 Physics at Virginia

"Fundamental Physics with Neutrons and Muons"

Stefan Baessler , University of Virginia
[Host: Despina Louca]

Despite its unparalleled successes, the Standard Model (SM) of elementary particles and their interactions is known to be incomplete. Additional particles and phenomena must exist. I will report on a few precision experiments which my group participated in. Their common goal is to search for physics beyond the Standard Model (SM). The Nab experiment just started to take neutron beta decay data, with goals to (a) confirm or refute current evidence for the violation of unitarity of the quark mixing matrix, and (b) to search for scalar and tensor interactions. The whispering gallery experiment is investigating quantum states of neutrons in close vicinity of a curved mirror that are sensitive to new short-range interactions in the range of nanometers which could be mediated by light scalar or pseudoscalar bosons. The MUonE experiment investigates the apparent failure of the SM to correctly predict the magnetic moment of the muon by observing the running of the fine structure constant in muon-electron scattering.

Friday, September 20, 2024
3:30 PM
Physics, Room 338

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